Thursday, April 4, 2019
The Importance Of Partisanship And The Young Vote Politics Essay
The Importance Of Partisanship And The Young ballot Politics EssayIn todays elections, a significant role is played by young suffragers, so the consideration of fondness and the young vote is critical to the success of any incline strategy. It is an absolute extremity to target young voters between the ages of eighteen and twenty nine because their citizenship is numbering approximately 44 million. In an effort to build long-term political power, this young vote pass on be aggressively engage since this vote get out shape the way these voters vote for decades (Rock the Vote 5).Taking on the task of shake advisor for the Democratic Party 2012 electric chairial safari is no easy job. This task requires being precise well organized, efficient, efficacious and running a successful campaign based on positive manipulation and poise. With that in mind, I plan to devise some extremely effective strategies on how to obtain and tell votes for the Democratic Party presidential hop eful on Election Day 2012. With c beful planning and the index to stay tapered, the Democratic Party will be victorious.It is crucial that the young voters are not neglected. They immanent be made aware of how their votes, views and opinions are important to the drawing and ever changing economy.My decision on a party identification was molded by the views of my parents. When I was young, I recalled proclaiming to my mother that when I grow up I will choose the party that my mother was clearly and adamantly against. Needless to say, she gave me a look and a lecture as to why my decision should reflect hers. I share this discipline with you because Im absolutely sure I do not stand al one(a) in how I chose my political party. Family plays a significant role in how their child will choose a political party.In Flanigan and Zingales Partisans and Partisan Change, to a greater extent than two-thirds of the electorate identify with their parents party if both parents had the same pa rty identification. . . Children pick up the partisanship of their parents while young. . . (104). Although, the childs decision is subject to change once he or she becomes of age to vote, it is important that outlooks ensure these voters that they are important and that their voices will be heard. The campaigns mission is to not just to obtain the young vote but also to transpose these young voters from being weak partisans to strong democratic votes. This would not only make certain presidential triumph but could also assist the Democratic Party in regaining control of the House in the next congressional election. Strong partisans are also more likely to vote in all kinds of elections than are either weak partisans or independents. In fact, one explanation sometimes offered for the low turnout in the late twentieth century was the declining partisanship of the American globe (Flanigan Zingales 93).I plan on using sources such as door to door visits, forebode calling, and t av er hall meetings within colleges and universities and social networks to introduce the president. Through these devices the younkers will be notified of presidents agenda, accomplishments and how his presidency will not neglect them but, address concerns for the economy. It is also important that education, tuition, employment, health care bell and global thaw are spoken about with certainty and absolute reassurance and that the direction the president is taking is best for them and generations thenceforth and not just an immediate and temporary solution. The strategies used to engage the youths are not only cost effective but also informative for the voter and the volunteer. Youths need information and guidance, their voice needs to be heard, and their opinions are also vital to the campaign. We moldiness stay mobilized. survey neighborhoods with door to door contact is an effective strategy. Each neighborhood will be approached by someone of the same ethnic background. This wil l succor to instill a sense of commonality among the two. It has been studied that canvassing has been known to produce a popular voter (Young Voter mobilisation Tactic 7). According to the research in Young Voter militarization Tactic, Overall, we consistently found a 7 to 10 percentage point increase among young voters contacted by a door-to-door canvass- a good reason to keep young voters on your walk lists. Canvassing is especially beneficial in dense student neighborhoods and apartment buildings where you can reach more slew in less time. . . (9).Phone calls are also an excellent method in producing a abundant voter turnout on Election Day. It has also been noted that calls consisting of a live person with a more conversational approach is effective and also informative for the voter of the candidates agenda (Young Voter Mobilization Tactic 12). A study showed that on average, good phone call campaigns generated a 2 to 5 percentage point increase in turnout (Young Voter Mobilization Tactic 13).We live in an era where technology is a vital source of everyday living. There is no avoiding it from a 5 year old playing with handheld games to a 60 year old having to conform to the fresh electronic ballot machines. The use of technology is inevitable therefore this campaign will ardently focus on this area. This is why I propose the use of on online social networks like Face book, My Space, and Twitter. Todays youth spend more time online checking their social network pages and emails so it is critical that I tap into this group. The campaign will take advantage of these websites and create an open chat and group forum where the youths can together with express their melodic themes, concerns, interest, and complaints regarding their political preference. Via these websites, detailed information about the presidents initiatives can be presented to the readers. As per the poll conducted in 2006 in Rock The Vote it showed that 88 percent of 18-29 year olds are online (compared to 32 percent of those 65 and older) 70 percent of 18-30 year olds use the Internet daily and two-thirds check their email daily close one-quarter of 18-30 year olds use communications such as Face book or instant messaging. . . (5). stunt man is an important aspect of my campaign. In 2008, Barack Obama was sold to the masses as a young and vibrant candidate that will produce change in American politics. By doing so, it was easier for the Democratic Party to sell the idea to young voters and in earnest produced a higher voter turnout within the population of the young. It is essential that the voters can relate and share common interests with the candidate. As it was best stated in a interpret by Flanigan and Zingale, Vote Choice and Electoral Decisions, The voter would feel a sense of displacement if they are unable to make a connection with the candidate. Partisanship and party imaging are not synonymous, however, because individuals oftentimes hold unfavo rable perceptions of their party without changing party identification yet, at some point, negative images of ones own party or positive perceptions of the other party undoubtedly lead to partisan change (221).not only is image an important factor in this campaign but also earth opinion. The president and the entire campaign body must be made aware of what the public will and will not tolerate. This is vital information that is undoubtedly imperative to have. It is noted that past presidents have relied on public opinion polls to educate them on citizens thoughts and how such opinions can help the President create a strong following (Kernell Jacobson Kousser 446). Party identification, like other attitudes, affects beliefs as well as opinions. Attitudes introduce prepossession into perceptions and interpretations of political information because people tend to pay more attention and give more belief to information that confirms rather than challenges their beliefs following (Ker nell Jacobson Kousser 472). This is why the president should conduct various polls of himself pertaining to his views and policies. He must also be aware of the polls conducted on the opposing candidate and have a edged awareness of the attitudes, beliefs, thinking, social issues and predispositions of the public. Anything that may affect the campaign for greater good or worst should be known. Public opinion is essential knowledge or else the candidate is running a blind campaign. umpteen qualities and attributes are needed to run a successful campaign. The relationship between the candidate and his party with the public is vital to the campaign. Image, his views on issues and policies are what may connect or disconnect him from his voters. Communication is essential the campaign must focus on a set of targeted voters and stay focused until the task is accomplished. Everyone must be aware of his agenda in order to do so the candidate himself must know what drives and motivates his voters to vote.
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