Tuesday, April 30, 2019
Exam paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words - 1
Exam paper - Essay Examplesuch(prenominal) strategies in planning set considerable challenges to other organizations. The university has a nifty base of sustainable growth as it has being recognized by Institutions such as carbon masters standard. It has therefore present a great baseline for sustainability. As a university it has much to accomplish to ensure persistent sustainability and usefulness of the environment. The university has to first be aware of its strengths and weaknesses in pursuit of sustainable development (Baker 2006).There must be engagement of community and government to enable the vision of sustainability a reality. Ample research and drafting of a plan should be done before the onset of activities in sustainability management. Many factors shall have to be considered by the university to ensure maximum realization of sustainable development.Despite sustainability undertakings known to be costly to organizations, the ethical blend in enables the organizatio ns take part in social corporate responsibility. In current trim backs sustainability continuum is a critical trend to all organizations. The claimers in clued the shareholders, employees, and governments each of them has satisfiable reasons for expecting and oftenly demanding that the firm satisfies their claims in a responsible manner.An organization that adversely affects the environment in such terms of air pollution and discharge of wastes, have a great task in terms of sustainability. Such institutions have much to do in their mission to look for their effects to the environment. This means a more budget allocation in sustainability measures. High technologies and qualified expertise should be employed to activities such as recycling of waste, renewing of energy, and carbon particles trapping. Without such measures such organizations willing be at risk to lose their responsibility to the society and may lead to the eventual closure. With these demanding trends
Monday, April 29, 2019
Entreprise system Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
Entreprise system - Assignment ExampleIt is clear the family needs to improve the underway software system to make operations easier. Pees coffee and afternoon tea can grade in better charge software, re-architecture the current software to align with its current objectives or invest a cloud based management system. That is the only way the company can address the current logistic issues.Peets coffee and tea is expanding rapidly to share the large coffee market in the unite States. fit in to Perez (2013), more than than 80% of the American population take coffee. The percentage has increased dramatically everyplace the years. With this conception, Peets coffee and Tea had to expand to take advantage of the increasing demand. Expanding comes with many new challenges. For example, when the company opens a new store, the new store has a software system integrated and connected to the consummate company software system. The software system was not universal to the different stor es and departments. As a result, in that location were many interconnections and customizations in the main software (Microsoft case studies, 2011).The many customizations and interconnections in the Peets coffee and tea software was a logistical nightmare as the supply chain manager Shawn Conway put it. According to Conway, staff had to use several software systems at times to serve the guests (Microsoft Case Studies, 2011). The staff took more time to obtain the customer details and responding to their issues. At the same time, it was challenging to account for raw materials, the products produced and customer orders (Microsoft Case Studies, 2011). With the vision to expand to other cities, the current software system would present more challenges to the company. The management could not rely on the system and had to spend a lot of time trying to end the financials and Peets coffee and tea needed to upgrade its software systems for better
Sunday, April 28, 2019
Martin Luther's Reforms Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Martin Luthers Reforms - Essay casefulHowever, during the time, the Protestant Reformation created confusion and a sense of chaos among European Christians.Immediate effects of the Protestant Reformation included a division among European Christians. The protestant reformation also generated resistance and hostility, not least from the institutions of the traditional church and its defenders (Greengrass, 1). Prior to the Reformation, European Christians lived in a more conformed society worship was a very large aspect of their lives and with their religion they had an understanding of their place within their communities and their world. When Martin Luther nailed his 95 Theses to the penetration of a church in 1517, he sparked not only a reaction from the Catholic perform but a reaction from monarchs and citizens across Europe. Some monarchies, such as in Germany, Holland, and England, eventually embraced the bringing close together of reforming the Catholic church and allowing for the progressive views of Protestantism to reorganize their churches and religious practices (McKay, Hill, and Buckler, 12). Other monarchies were not as accepting. France and Italy, for example, clung tightly to the write up and roots of the papist Catholic Church (McKay, Hill, and Buckler, 12).Reformists faced multiple hurdles as both the Roman Catholic Church and sympathizing monarchs worked to extinguish the Lutheran movement. Citizens were often accused of heresy or witchcraft, and they were sometimes ruin or tortured for their refusal to once again accept the Papal authority of the Pope and the Catholic ChurchIn the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries, a frenzy spread through Europe that witches in committedness with the Devil were combining forces to destroy the Christian faithThe panic of the masses, from those of the elite to the humble peasantry working together, resulted in thousands of men and women undergoing
Saturday, April 27, 2019
Asnwer 2 questions need to be answered Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Asnwer 2 questions need to be answered - Essay ExampleMore so, alfresco media like billboards contain features that attract and captures the needed attention from the pedestrians, and that is why it offers the crush business opportunity. This is a detail because irrespective of technological revolution that advanced mass media offers, like efficient means of mass communication, amicable networking and advertisements, the outdoor media still dominates the mass media attention (Gosselin, 2007). Though the print media through magazines and former(a) printed materials could offer the best business opportunities, online media have challenged it by presenting printed education via the internet hence, allowing outdoor media to be the major traditional industry to stand out in the digital world and offer the best business opportunities.The media industry that faces the greatest challenge in the digital universe is the print media. The print media use physical objects like newspapers, b ooks and other physical aspects relay its message. The print media existed since the 15th century and gradually grew to a reliable source of information over the centuries until it started diminishing in the 21st century (Fingleton, 2009). The greatest challenge that faces the print industry is the move generation of consumers who yearn for efficiency and speed in acquiring any form of presented information. This same generation finds it hard attending libraries or visiting the magazine stalls to buy printed pieces of information, and still find it irksome to peruse over numerous pages in search of the needed glut. The other reason that challenges the print media is approachability of the internet, which seems to grant the rising generation the right thing by allowing them acquire any needed content from any book or magazine through online. This is a fact because internet sources like Google books and amazon grants
Friday, April 26, 2019
Enterprise and Entrepreneurial Management Assignment
Enterprise and Entrepreneurial Management - Assignment ExampleIt is very all-important(prenominal) that linkages between strategic be afterning and performance argon addressed. The business planning process should take into news report the organizational performance. Also planning should non be rigid and nut. The business planning process should not be idealistically rational, rigid, bureaucratic and a dysfunctional exercise. The planning process should be drawn in such(prenominal) a way that watchfulness are actively involved in the actual determination devising process. The strategic plans and objectives formulated should be flexible. so, there is an element of intuition in the business planning process. In order to attain strategic competence, it is very necessary that the intuitive judgment taken in the plan is successful (Hodgkinson et al. 2009). They may change in the course of time in order to meet the closing goal. An ideal business plan consists of long term and sh ort term goals which needs to be attained. These strategic objectives should be flexible and accordingly the strategic plans may change to meet requirements (Shrader et al. 1984). Market analysis and query Most organizations draw up a market plan in order to attain the formal goal. Unfortunately, only few strive to develop a comprehensive plan which entails to research and analyze the mathematical product and service market before implementing it. Most organizations shy away from developing a comprehensive marketing plan as they may face a lot of hurdles which may be in the form of procedural, cognitive, research, cultural, informational, purlieual and organizational aspects (Wilson & McDonald 1994). One of the procedural benefits of planning is that it helps in attaining realistic and attainable goals. However, in... From this paper, it is cloudless that modern researchers assert that sole emphasis on enterpriserial characteristics does not completely attribute to entreprene urial success. Researchers are more interested in evaluating and researching on the thinking doing nexus of entrepreneurial behavior. Managers interact with the environment and make decisions with reference to success factors. Most of the times, entrepreneurs have to make decisions with limited or ambiguous data. Hence they have to possess the knowledge to assess, judge and decide depending on the creation of ventures, opportunities, and growth. Hence, action and thought are important components of the behavior of an entrepreneur and play an important role in determining successful decision making.All in all, a successful entrepreneur have a diverse set of qualities which includes personality traits.According to me, an entrepreneur needs to manage certain important areas like risk management, planning for new ventures, networking, learning, financial management and human resource management. In order to handle all these aspects in a successful manager, the entrepreneur must take the right decision at the right time. Hence, in order to be a successful manager, an individual needs to have the skills, experience and personality traits to manage a venture successfully. This includes problem-solving and decision-making skills, strategic thinking, capacity to close deals successfully, time and project management, selling, negotiation, persuasion, and motivation.
Thursday, April 25, 2019
Accepting Change is to Americas Benefit Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
judge Change is to the Statess Benefit - Essay ExampleIn fact, ambiguous attitudes towards change may even break through in an individual. These would naturally bring about the often time inconsistent mints regarding changes, especially those that affect tradition and culture. At one time, one can embrace the novel while at another, staunchly defending what he perceives as really American. This is phenomenon is erect a reflection of the opposite poles that exist among Americans regarding change. It is necessary to understand the plight that the American people face when confronted with changes that affect the very foundations of culture and tradition. It is through such understanding that find the correct attitude can be realized. Dinosaur Dreams Reading the Bones of Americas Psychic Mascot written by Jack Hitt provides valuable insights regarding the matter. It is a discussion on the general attitude of Americans towards the dinosaurs as symbols. Fenton Johnsons Wedded to an Illusion, on the other hand, focuses on the issue of same gender marriages but it presents an argument on why Americans should accept change because of its benefits for their society. In summing up the points of Hitt and Johnson, it is easy to conclude that that since change is inevitable, Americans have no other recourse but to accept it in order to make the best out of the untested opportunities it offers.A brief re mass of the history of the United States, particularly its culture, it is discernable that the peoples view of themselves and their country is constantly changing. This means that certain norms and beliefs once though to be permanently valid and office have been set aside as no longer attuned to the times or thrown into the ash bin of the past being found absolutely wrong. Under such premise, it is clear that the shifts, even if these at times cause upheavals, must be considered as beneficial. The struggle between the old and new is not just carried out by debates i t is possible for force to be applied in order to achieve a resolution. The point, however, is to determine the results of the events, whether or not it brought about positive things for society. This is a very pragmatic point of view on changes, one that is not based on subjective will but on target conditions. If conditions change, there is actually no other recourse but to accept reality and to adapt or improvise. No matter how people wish things to be permanent, changes still occur. Even marriage is obviously not a permanent despite promises of union being made until death. In fact, it has always been an evolving institution, bent and wrought by the historical moment and the needs and demands of its participants. (Johnson) Centuries ago, nobody would have thought about divorce, especially because righteousness then played a very important part in establishing marital union. However, this has changed through following(a) centuries. If such change is accepted by people, then t here is no reason why they cannot do the same with changes in society, which is another institution. Actually, the shifts are taking place although these may be gradual and Americas only choice is to accept these. Hitt explains that the American psyche is actually accepting the changes. This is the view that he presents in his article which describes the significance of the American view of the dinosaur. The existence of dinosaurs is proven by the past, something that can no longer be changed. However, their periodic rebirth in pop culture neatly signals deep tectonic shifts in our sense of our self as a country. (Hitt) The American peoples view on the relevance of the dinosaur is a reflection of their
Wednesday, April 24, 2019
Photoelastic Methods Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Photoelastic Methods - Assignment ExampleThere has been recent methods namely Converging clean-cut Method, Scattered Light Method and freezing Method, which are used in direct application of three dimensional models. In the engineering field, this method of photoelasttic analysis of strive is important as it is used to calculate stresses under variant circumstances. A series polariscope involves an optical instrument that is used in performing the measurements of quantitative seam through photostress reflection photoelasticity method. The device is lightweight and compact and easy to operate. It is always designed for the tripod mounting or hand hold. It is always equipped to accommodate diverse special purpose accessories that adapt it to perform different tasks of measuring the strain with the photoelastic coatings.This experiment was conducted with a view to apply the photoelastic methods of measuring stress to get the set of the normal stress values of a beam and making a c omparison of the mensural stress values computed from the theory of elementary material strength. The study sought to compare theoretical values with measured values of the beam deflection. This study also sought to demonstrate the use and application of Maxwells law of reciprocal deflectionsIn this experiment, the focus was on beam analysis. It involved applying the photoelastic techniques, and testing the cantilever beam. The stimulate was to use the Cantilever beam to help understand the fringe by relating to the magnitude of strain. As often the case, the cantilever beam is always coated at one end using a photostress ductile and clamped to the tables or benchs edge. Besides, the sought to measure the deflection using the telephone dial gage and the stress found by photoelasticity. The beam dimensions were taken and mounted to the needed fixed sponsor with the help of a C clamp. A single dialing indicator was put at the beams center and the other next to the free end
Tuesday, April 23, 2019
This document needs reivison Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
This document needs reivison - Essay utilisationMost specifically, the report had serious grammatical and mechanical errors and lacked coherence as well as issue of ideas. As such, the report was vague and difficult to read and understand. Most as convinced(predicate)dly, I have recently verbalize my dissatisfaction and warned you against presenting such wanting reports but you have not demonstrated any attempt towards addressing these concerns. Although I estimate your continued positive input and creativity to the unwavering, I feel that your poorly written report is put down the image and reputation of our esteemed firm.It should be clear that future reports should strictly follow the established theme standards and the report guidelines set out by the firm. Any employee who needs assistance in adhering to the writing guidelines defined by the firm should seek relevant help from the management or attend various in house workshops held in our firm. Indeed, professionals in t he corporate scene provide significant information to employees attending the periodical in house workshops. Moreover, I am perpetually available to offer any assistance geared towards your success and that of the company. Nevertheless, you should beware that this is your last warning and failure to adhere to the writing guidelines defined by the firm will lead to serious consequences that may include suspension. The company would highly regret such consequences and consequently I advise you to consider my concerns in a positive and serious way.I am sure you will address yourself to these concerns and maintain a good working relationship with your colleagues and the firm at large. I encourage you to remain focused and work towards achieving the companys goals. Indeed, if you have any questions or suggestions on these expectations, please feel free to contact me at the most convenient time. I am always pleased to address the expectations of the firm with you and I hope my concern s will help you to maximize your potential in this
Monday, April 22, 2019
Security Informatics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Security Informatics - Essay Example sin examples of well known companies that have suffered huge losses due to cyber attackers corrupting or manipulating their data resources are Yahoo, AOL, E-bay, Citibank and Egghead.com. This effectively brings us to the first fountain why firms share information regarding their auspices state. To strengthen wholenesss information auspices numerous organizations recognized a key factor being the gathering, compendium and sharing of information related to the actual, as well as all unsuccessful attempts at, computer security beaches. This very notion lead to the formation of the industry- based Information Sharing and Analysis Centers (ISACs) which aimed at enhancing security measures of the cyber infrastructure of respective(a) firms. By this mutual collaboration, despite the fact that various companies reveal information that could be considered embarrassing regarding their security state, they benefit greatly in other ways. These being on receiving end of various security practices and solutions which would result in the production of much more secure products and an increase in the boilersuit market demand for security enhancing software and hardware. True there are several benefits if the firm chooses not to disclose information about their security state in terms of financial costs incurred come in disclosure, the negative publicity that might result in loss of market shares and an increase in the likelihood of leakages by increasing the number of holders of the information regarding sensitive security flaws. However the firms by and by a cost-benefit analysis chose to share security information due to two key advantages. The first is the offstage firm specific benefit which aims at preventing further security breaches and future fraud losses. By expending on identifying and repairing existing vulnerabilities the firm cuts costs in terms a prevention of future security threats. Furthermore the increased amo unt of sales due to an acquisition of a better security spirit and goodwill as a result of these measures more than covers up the initial financial cost invested. By reporting a security breach to central monitoring the firm effectively sends a virile message to the customer that portrays them as responsible, committed to developing rigorous security procedures designed to protect and fulfill care of the customer and a company more reliable as well as secure. This overbearing image does wonders for the company in terms of profitability and market share. The industry benefits are the other reason for information sharing by companies. As there is an increase in the overall customers trust in transacting with a particular firm it directly affects the overall market size within the industry. This increase in the customer base simply by addressing their fears of privacy and information security related issues leads to more broom selling and upsellling by companies. B2C e-commerce is also positively impacted for the very same reason. Look at the wonders viragos efforts in terms of protecting the integrity of customers data and increasing confidence in online purchases has paved way for numerous online businesses to initiate operations and be acceptable to consumers. There are three dimensions of incredulity that exist in vulnerabilities. Firstly there is representativeness, which is mainly applied in order to assess the chance that an object or an event A belongs another process B. Availability of
CSR Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
CSR - Coursework Examplethe interests of the society by being considerate of its impact on the society, customers, shareholders, suppliers, employees, communities and the milieu in which the business operates from. Socially responsible organizations take the initiative of following the laid down commandment and also takes care of its employees and their families voluntarily without being under any obligations (p.199).They continue to say that CSR just meat the strategies that organizations use to conduct their business ethically by being society friendly. CSR involves a lot of activities exchangeable partnering with local communities, investing in socially sensitive ventures, having an excellent employee, customers and family relations and lastly being convoluted in purlieu conservation activities (Ismail, 2009, p.199).According Gotherstrom (2012), organizations like H&M can use the Stakeholder scheme of CSR. It involves the organization management putting into consideration e conomic and social factors that dissemble the business during its decision making in its operation.in this case the stakeholders involved include investors, political groups, communities employees, trade associations, government etc. These all stakeholders affect the business in one way or another that the business has to find ways and means of keeping them happy. This theory is not only how the shareholders can make more profits but also of how the organization can make decisions that will affect how the society views (p.8). The application of this theory has been on the rise especially due to the rise activists and environmental groups. (p.9) In the case of H&M, we find that it is involved in its CSR activities to atone for the condemnation that it received from Greenpeace in the year 2011for discharging hazardous wastewater with chemicals which could affect the environment negatively. This is demonstrated by the way it partners UNICEF to help children in Bangladesh.The next C SR is Legitimacy Theory this
Sunday, April 21, 2019
Formal analysis of a work of art Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Formal analysis of a work of art - rise ExampleDressing Room is remarkable and representative of his mature work. Dressing Room is one of the Kuhns impressive and eye-catching realistic images of a theater performer in a quiet s back comprise. Fascinated by such persons who existed on the borders of society, Kuhn dedicated this image with an unselfconscious sexuality that was still unwonted in American art of the period1.In Dressing Room painting, a sparkling female stage performer who looks like a dancer stands in her dressing room and looks like she is ready to go on stage. She looks like a pensive female performer still in her costume with fundamental 1920s makeup. Behind her on the right side, thither is a chair/sofa with a cushion. The remaining side composition of the painting shows a dresser and a clothing stand topped with hats. A partly obscu rosy sign on the wall reveals that this is not a private room 1.This painting strikes the authoritative pose of the body conscio us young female. She is standing with arms raised and hands behind her motion and exposing her upper body. She is wearing a small and entertaining costume. Her short and dark hair is made folded with a bulky red bow. Her makeup is heavy and bold with dark blushes on the chick and deep red lipstick reveals that she has just finished her dress-up and now she is ready to go to stage to perform her task. It looks very throw from girls seductive extended pose that she has prepared for stage show but there is no emotion on her face and her eyes are empty and show her deep gloom and unwilling feelings which gives the idea that she is not so far involved in the job of performing for the function of men.The dressing room is a place for performers for the staging of character. The performer enters in the dressing room as its whole self and exits as a prescribed character that is intended to perform in present of audience. In this
Saturday, April 20, 2019
Equal Employment Opportunity Commission v. Abercrombie & Fitch Stores, Essay
Equal Employment Opportunity Commission v. Abercrombie & Fitch Stores, Inc - attempt ExampleIn the case of Equal Employment Opportunity Commission vs. Abercrombie & Fitch Stores, Inc the court unflinching to lay precedent on the issue. Abercrombie & Fitch Stores, Inc are a clothing company in the unify States (Bittker, Idleman & Ravitch, 138). The company requires its employees to follow a realize policy, which does not allow them to wear black caps and clothes. The clothes reflected the flair of the business and the employees were to wear this to advertise the company. Sullivan talks about how its hard to exercise religious freedom in the country. Abercrombie does not define the meaning of the cap in their business constitution.Samantha Elauf, a Muslim, in 2008 applies for a speculate in Abercrombie. She wears a headscarf daily and even during her interview, she was wearing the hijab as part of the Muslim religion. Samantha Elauf does not pop out an opportunity to join the com pany because of the look policy of the enterprise. The company has lowered her rating on the prick of appearance because of the headscarf. The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission sues the company for violation of Title VII of the obliging Rights Act of 1964 for denying her chance of employment due to the headscarf. The company argues that she was to inform the individual interviewing her that she needed accommodation from the look policy of the enterprise. The company insisted that she should have told the interviewer that the headscarf expressed her religion.
Friday, April 19, 2019
Analysis of an organization Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Analysis of an organization - Assignment ExampleThe study sponsors of tether Health are the Catholic Church, under the auspices of the Catholic Health Ministries. This was an organization created for purposes of overseeing the watchfulness and administration of Trinity Health, and the healing ministry of the church.One of the tangible assets of the organization is the number of its employees, who are many and diverse. Trinity Health is an organization that employs more than 89,000 people, at different hospitals and health care center operated and managed by the company. This is secure to the company, mainly because the people employed are diverse, and they come with different skills, experiences, and culture which may be ripe to the company (Hernandez, 2012). Furthermore, because of this diversity in its workforce, the company manages to get the right workers, who understand the language preferences, cultural beliefs, traditions, determine and health practices of the various co mmunities that the agency serves, and hence use this knowledge to develop policies and services that would help in catering for these postulate (Zuckerman, 2009).Because of this diverse workforce, the organization will manage to be innovative, hence develop solutions that send packing satisfy the needs of the community that it serves (Zuckerman, 2009). For any organization to succeed, and obtain a strategic advantage, satisfaction of the needs of its customers is the key (Moseley, 2009). In the medical and health care field, there is a constant change in the needs of customers, and this is because of the emergence of new diseases, ailments, or medical conditions (Hernandez, 2012). Therefore, the best way of efficiently diagnosing and treating these diseases is through with(predicate) coming up with new medical practices and solutions. It is difficult to achieve this situation without being innovative. An important intangible asset is goodwill. Because of the large size of the org anization, the company has
Thursday, April 18, 2019
Business and the business environment of Starbuck Essay
Business and the business environment of Starbuck - Essay Example affectionate and persistent focus on international sales led to significant growth and expansion of this bon ton during the subsequent years. During the second quarter of 2010, for instance, Starbucks profits increased eightfold to $217.3 million (Starbucks, 2010a). Currently, this fellowship has more than 1700 stores in various locations in the world. It distributes its products in terms of stores and does not sell franchises. Apart from specialty coffee, this company owns some other two brands namely Tazo Tea and Seattles Best Coffee. This paper examines the external and the internal environments affecting the feat of this company. It also analyzes the key stakeholders of this company and their relationships to the company. PESTEL Analysis The following PESTEL analysis will examine in skeleton the factors of the external environment that affect the performance of this Starbucks namely sparing, environmental, po litical, legal issues, social and technological factors. Political surroundings One of the political factors affecting the performance of Starbucks is trade restrictions in terms of tariffs and other non-tariff barriers placed by various countries across their international borders. Strict and coercive trade barriers may adversely affect the susceptibility of this company to source the best beans and to export its output to over 50 countries in which it operates (Anon, 2010). In addition, this may adversely affect its reputation, sales and competitiveness in the global market. Secondly, political stability in the countries where Starbucks operates is an grand issue. In Israel, Starbucks was forced to put off all of its operations due to political hostility surrounded by the Palestinians and Jews (Starbucks, 2012). This adversely affected its strategy for expansion into the international market. Generally, political environment is unfavourable to some extent and presents threat s to this company. atomic number 63an Union recently expanded to include Hungary, Slovakia, Poland, the Czech Republic, Estonia, Slovenia, Latvia, Lithuania Cyprus and Malta (Kole, 2011). This makes trade across the borders of these countries more all-inclusive and opens opportunities for Starbucks to expand its operations into those markets. Finally, Starbucks has in the past been evading paying corporate taxes in various countries in Europe and this issue has adverse effect on its reputation in the European market (Kole, 2011). Recently, this company has bowed to pressure from the UK government authorities to pay taxes from 2013 henceforth. It is alert for Starbucks should be compliant to such government requirements in all countries where it operates to avoid damaging its image. Economic Environment The stability of the US dollar is a vital issue to the operations of Starbucks. Weak monetary policies, for instance may lead to a decline in the dollar rates in comparison to othe r currencies (Oxford University Press, 2010). The company may as a allow for incur higher costs of vital inputs such as coffee, milk and sugar. This may force the company to pass the extra cost to the consumer, which may put at risk its reputation, sales and competitiveness. The recent economic crisis that peaked in 2007 and 2008 led to increased unemployment rates in many countries. For instance, the number of unemployed persons in Britain rose three-fold to 2.5 million by 2010 (National Coffee Drinking Trends, 2011). This also adversely affecte
Wednesday, April 17, 2019
Company critical analysis - DHL Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Company critical analytic thinking - DHL - Research Paper ExampleWith time the high society grew rapidly operating in over cc countries with 110,000 employees and very recently the community was renamed as Deutsche Post DHL and established a new innovation focus on division for more innovative and sophisticated way of logistic governance (DHL, 2011). This research is concerned with the in depth study of the company for critical abbreviation of the core competence of the firm and the competitive analysis for DHL. Background of the company (DHL) and its problem with competitors The two companies under DHL are the exclusive delivery agents of the other company and the reason behind the domestic shipping of the company within US is mainly to reduce the toll and on the other hand increase reliability of the international shipping of the company. During the year 1990 the company on experienced 3% of the lode inside the country but about 20% of the overseas shipment from US is accou nted under DHL. From the beginning the company is focused towards delivering excellent services to the customers and is always committed towards its activities. The succeeder factor of the company is mainly its employee base that is always acting according to the needs of the customers and serving with a customized approach. Today the company is operating in over 220 countries worldwide with a wide network and diversify business expertise in express, ocean freight, contract logistics, international mail services and overland fare (DHL-a, 2011). The companys main competitions in the market are Federal Express, UPS (Silverstein, 2011). The competitors strategies of using third ships company help during the logistic process is one of the problem faced by the company as the company follows a network of self leted agents which takes time for the company to enter into new market for organic law of the business. Another issue is intense price competition in the industry which needs to be evaluated by the company to implement an effective pricing strategy. Differentiation in the pricing strategy of documents and parcel should be there for the company and the company needs to evaluate its pricing techniques for different industries also which the competitors are victorious advantages of. Interview Review The interview conducted with the different members of DHL also reflected the problems that are prevailing within the organization and its competitors. As the Regional Manager of DHL, Dean Jones mentioned that the company is mainly focused towards quality service rather than concentrating on the pricing of products or service. Due to this the company is losing market share to its competitors with competitive pricing strategies. Johnson Par, the country passenger car of Africa on the other hand mentioned about a problem on the logistic system. The company has their own logistic systems which sometimes fail to serve on time as the competitors use their third calle r service for faster delivery of products. But DHL believes that customers will trust in the companies on logistic system than on any third party channel. Analysis of the resources and capabilities of DHL DHL broadly comprises of four divisions which are mainly operated by their divisional headquarters. All the groups are managed by the centralized centre all under one group. The centralized internal services
Tuesday, April 16, 2019
Christopher Columbus good or evil Essay Example for Free
Christopher capital of Ohio good or evil testChristopher capital of Ohio was one of the greatest sailors and explores of all time. In 1492 he discovered a new reality and linked Europe to the Americas. His discoveries enlarged the world and began a new age of exploration, on that pointfore changing the chronicle of the world. His Columbian Exchange was the constituteation of the future world economy.1 Christopher Columbus can be considered a combatant for his work on Christianity, says John Kimble. Columbus has spread Christianity without the world and advanced trade with umpteen new discoveries, thus, finding the new world he and then discovered the first European colonies, and through those colonies he then spread the religion of Christianity. Columbus then brought spices and riches to all of Europe. 2 After his decrease to Europe, many people were lead to believe they could explore and sail. 3 Only Columbus set off forthwith across a board, unkn feature sea with no specific knowledge of how far it extended or what lay on the other side. Columbus encouraged everyone to take a risk and make their own discoveries.Yes, Christopher Columbus was flawed but all men are. Columbus put Christianity out on a rage on all different part of the world and had those places endured in trading. With all of his achievements, he then bettered the world to be melting pot that it is to this day. Assertion 2Christopher Columbus was greedy, shellfish, racist and a bigot. He was responsible for the loss of life of thousands, destroyed culture and exploited those he came in contact with. Columbus did not pull down find what he set out for, the East Indies, and for that alone, should not be extol in history.Christopher Columbus was yes a discoverer of something new, but it was only new to him. Before Columbus was there, there were native people on the land that they first discovered before Columbus stated he founded it.He was arobber of land, and some people think he also robbed the lives of many. 1 Christopher Columbus was found to be a cruel man who enjoys seeing the natives and suffer. 2 They should be good servants. I, our Lord being pleased, will take hence, at time of my departure, six natives for your Highness, was the first thing written in Columbus ledger according to Bourne, p.111-112 page 18 of Hanke, L. (1949).The Spanish struggle for justice in the conquest of America. Philadelphia, PA University of Pennsylvania. Christopher Columbus may not have killed that native people but hand he was in focussing of murders and allowed all the killings to go on, so in those words that is just as bad, he also enslaved native people himself. All he was power and he had huge desire to regulate over the land that was not his.Margolis goes on to say the Columbus did not prevent his crewmen from raping the innocent natives, and even that he himself raped and native woman, after beating her with a piece of rope. Columbus was nowhere close together( p) a hero he founded land that had ownership already and then took the land away viciously. influence Cited12 Kimble, John. Hero or Villain. Yahoo Voices. Ed. Mark G. Yahoo, 1 July 2007. Web. 25 Mar. 2013 3 Caroll, Warren H. Honoring Christopher Columbus. Faith and lawsuit (Summer 1992) 1 plaza. Why was Christopher Columbus a villan?. KnowsWhy. January 10, 2011 2 The Untold Story. Understanding Prejudice. N.p., 2002. Web. 26 Mar.2013. 3 Chirstopher Columbus The Villain. 123HelpMe.com 26 Mar 2013
Monday, April 15, 2019
Netflix case study Essay Example for Free
Netflix vitrine study EssayNetflix offers online video streaming and DVD letting services for a flat topple to all subscribers. After reed instrument Hastings, the CEO of Netflix had announced the companys new strategy of separating its online service and DVD renting services into two accounts for its subscribers, the companys stock fell to $63 per character from $300 per sh atomic number 18 and lost 805,000 subscribers in three month. Although facing so more challenges, Reed Hastings choose to keep up his new strategies, but with a sincerely apologize for the vary and a detailed explanation of wherefore they made this decision and whats in it for current subscribers. Stock price of Netflix close on yesterday was 312.40.Problems and challenges Although it seems that Netflix has recovered from the separation strategy, but there still are some problems and challenges are waiting for the company. original of all, Netflix online streaming branch is facing fierce competition from companies equal Amazon instant video, YouTube, iTunes store, and Hulu. Second, On-demand TV go are now hot area, many big-pay TV operator such as Verizon and Comcast Corp are trying to bring on-demand TV to cable users which will offer fresher content than online streaming companies like Netflix. Third of all, The DVD rental branch called Qwikster are now competing with companies like Amazon and Redbox DVD rental. From what we tolerate see in the future, DVD service may finally run out of business and how to smear the damage to Netflix is a big problem waiting for a solution.SWOTStrengthNetflix is offering a flat fee policy, which is cheaper than Amazon and iTunes users and is easier to retain current users. A very distinctive strength Netflix put one over is that Netflix is also a producer. In this years Emmy Awards, Netflix Incs groundbreaking political thriller House of Cardstook radical an award for directing. As its name shows in Emmy, Netflix may win not only an aw ard, but many potential users. Many people may position Netflix as a company provides high tone shows than other(a) video distributors.WeaknessAlthough the stock price has gone up this year and everyone now means Reed Hastings is the one sees the future, the remaining problem is how to survive with a $7.99 monthly flat fee for subscribers and at the same time spending more than $5 billion for the next five years to get TV shows and Movie License. Customers always wants more and pay less. Huge amount of spending force Netflix to perpetrate new users in a rapid speed, but attract new users itself will be some other big spending. Although the original drama house of cards generated a big buzz for Netflix, but the equal is considerable.OpportunitiesNew technologies bring opportunities to online streaming video companies. Netflix has mobile app for both Android and ios system and it works well. great deal want to access to on-demand videos more convenient by using mobile phone an d tablets. The trend of globalization gives Netflix the opportunity to climb up itself. The fourth quarter of 2012, Netflix gained 3 million new global subscribers.Threat arguing from Amazon, iTunes, Hulu, Google TV, and cable networks may pose threat to the company. BRAD BEALE, Director of digital video content learnedness of Amazon is kn consume for its ability of picking up successful shows and get the license earlier than other companies. Hulu also spend a lot on bringing new contents in. Although Netflix is cheaper, Amazon offers rationalize instant vedio to prime membership and two-day free shipping for its customers. Also, Amazon, Apple and Google now all offer their own devices for video streaming, such as Apple TV, Kindle Fire. QuestionsQ.1. A strong consumer backlash emerged in resolution to major changes in Netflixs business model. What are some of the arguments in favor of Hasting decision to rend the company? What decisions and options are available to Hastings? We re they good decisions? 2- 3 paragraphs Many believe DVD rental business is fading because of new technologies. People no longer want to wait for the DVD to arrive. rather they want on-demand video services. Slip the company bring price lower for stream only customers and it is reasonably for them to pay for cheaper price.Put in account information is easier and benefit is longer. Hastings can choose to change the company back to the old model by listening to customers and close the DVD service a couple years later when the DVD rental industry lost all the business. I think its good decisions because the financial information shows that Reed Hastings made the good decision and wins the game. The revenue grow almost half and subscribers grow even more this year. Works CitedLaporte, N. (2013, July 1). A TALE OF TWO NETFLIX. devalued Comapny , 177, pp. 31-32. Mint. (2013, September 23). Breaking Bad, Modern Family win top Emmy Awards. (H. M. Ltd., Producer) Retrieved Septemner 29, 2 013, from Mint http//search.proquest.com.rlib.pace.edu/docview/1434860801?accountid=13044 Peterson, T. (2013, September 23). 2013 MEDIA MAVENS BRAD BEALE. Advertising get on , 84 (33), p. 1. Ramachadran, S. (2013, September 20). Cable Fights to Feed Binge TV Viewers Comcast, Verizon FiOS Vie With Netflix, Amazon for Rights to award Complete Series. (Dow Jones Company Inc) Retrieved September 30, 2013, from Wall Street Journal http//search.proquest.com.rlib.pace.edu/docview/1434160601?accountid=13044View as multi-pages
Socrates on Oratory, Desire, Power, and Good in Gorgias 447a-468e Essay Example for Free
Socrates on Oratory, Desire, Power, and Good in Gorgias 447a-468e probeTo critically assess the language of Socrates within the work Gorgias, a flavor will be interpreted at the key steps to refutation and how Gorgias, and later Polus, may afford failed in his attempt, and further, how Socrates hold backs the argument that tyrants, deal orators or politicians, have no real power and that they be otiose(p) to act upon their own desires because they are crippled by the very power that makes them powerful.When Socrates and Chaerephon arrive at the lecture of Gorgias, Callicles makes the blithe joke that Socrates neer lowers himself to such an argument that he is about to makebut he, like an arrogant rooster, forces his way into a refutation that Gorgias neer knew was coming. By way of manipulating Chaerephon into asking the questions that spark the dialogue, Socrates births Gorgias to admit that he is a grandiloquenceian, and that correct the ability to teach others t he way of rhetoric is attributed to him.However, in his attempt at precision in language, Gorgias does on the dot what Socrates intended to accuse him of doingbeing unable to define his being and purpose in life purely because he sought to, and admitted he was lift out at, explaining things in the simplest of terms. Socrates refutation follows to first get Gorgias to define something, consequently to expound upon that with niceties and confusion, getting Gorgias to further his argument and, essentially, dig himself into the hole that Socrates planned all the while to vitality him into.Furtherto a greater extent, Socrates is indisputably the ideal debater because of his innate ability to disarm his opp onenessnts by getting them to not only train with him, but to abandon their beliefs as well. He patronizes Gorgias over and over, claiming that he isnt trying to offend, he is a nice guy just trying to understand, but, indeed, Socrates knows very well the subject matter that he t ries to get Gorgias to explain and is merely entering into such debate to prove a point.He leads the conversation in such a way that Gorgias never had a chance, even though, before the conversation began, Gorgias believed himself one of the best rhetoricians around and was very pleased with his previous lecture. Because Gorgias made the bold claim that he could answer any(prenominal) question put to him, Socrates dove in to make the point of how very wrong Gorgias is. To Socrates, Gorgias was merely palmy prey.In making such a audacious statement, Socrates knew that he had to put Gorgias into his placewhich was that he real had no idea what he was talking about all along. Gorgias had it in his head that the theory of rhetoric was, essentially, the art of speaking. Much later, Socrates convinces Gorgias that rhetoric is actually the art of persuasion, which irrevocably leads Gorgias into his greatest contradictionthat of morality in persuasion.But, despite whatever one might say about Socrates character, he does make a philosophic point that the nature of words and arguments cannot be so simply stated. Especially one so unspeakable as rhetoric. With his refutation of Gorgias, Socrates gets Gorgias to claim that rhetoricians have the ability to speak in a manner that is more persuasive than a professional in the same field, but that because all rhetoricians practice a real code of morality, that they would not act in such a manner as to fool concourse into believing they are a professional when they are not.In this, Socrates has Gorgias beat. Because, as Socrates adeptly catches, anyone who practices moral ethics would not behave in such a manner, and thus, what Gorgias has described cannot exist because of that contradiction. Socrates is crowning(prenominal)ly about finding and defining the contradiction in any argument. Throughout his refutation with Gorgias, Socrates makes Gorgias define his belief, without a doubt, and then crushes him in an secon d by proving how he is wrong.Gorgias, for his part, opened himself up to this messy refutation by making his bold claim, but, in a way, he stood no chance against Socrates toughing. In fact, Socrates entered into this refutation for the mere result of making Gorgias look the fool in front of the assembled crowd that he had just given a lecture toto make Gorgias look very bad indeed in front of the people he had just been rarefied of himself for teaching.In essence, Socrates delivers a low blow and ultimately destroys Gorgias reputation instantly. The conversation follows a few defeat later to the claim that Socrates makes to Polus that tyrants, like orators, or politicians, have no great power because in doing what seems best, politicians filter out to do what is good for themand in this is their failing, because in their attempt to do what they believe is best for themselves, politicians are unable to do what they indirect request.Socrates explains that politicians are the wea kest of humans because they have the innate gene that makes them follow the whims of others, and, paradoxically, are unable to shoot what they want to dowhich makes them excessively weak. And thus, those who have the most power have the least. Socrates makes the distinction that in doing what one thinks is best, one is often unable to do what one wants.In his argument, Socrates brings up the scenario that a politician might have to execute someone for the betterment of all, despite the fact that the politician might not want to go through with this execution at all. In this, Socrates defines that politicians have very little power at allbecause they have to act for the community, they are literally unable to act solely for themselves. And, it is because of this nature that they have no power. Of course, Polus is forced to agree with Socrates because he can give no argument to the contrary.But, consider what Polus was unable to argue. While a politician may have to make decisions fo r the betterment of his community, he still has the ultimate choice of whether or not to go through with any action, and further, he has the choice, in his heart, that he mustiness know is not only the right choice but the choice that will actually be what he wants to do. Indeed, one could argue that a politician that is unable to make choices for himself is the weakest creature, but, if all politicians are such weak creatures, who then is running the country?There has to be someone pulling the stringsand he has to be a master orator to make those strings move in a worthy way. Perhaps Socrates is correct in his assessment, but, it can also follow that Socrates is just a pompous bully rounding on the playground to make others feel the shame of being unable to stand up for their own values. If Socrates can be said to have a talent, it is the ability to make others immediately and irrevocably give up their core beliefs without, really, much argument at all.Sure, Gorgias put up a mus ical composition of a fight, but it was hap from the beginning that he never had a chance against SocratesCallicles made it clear that Socrates was being kind to condescend to Gorgias level. In fact, no one does. Because Socrates enters into every conversation with the idea of draft a simple question into a refutation that his opponent never saw coming and never had a fair chance of avoiding. Bibliography. Plato. (1994). Gorgias. Trns. Robin Waterfield. New York Oxford UP.
Saturday, April 13, 2019
Biology Notes Essay Example for Free
Biology Notes EssayChromosomes They be found inside the nucleus of kiosks. They argon X Shaped Objects that Contain DNA. Each Chromosome is made from devil Chromatids. Chromosomes are held together by a disc called a centromere. Chromosomes are always found in Pairs.A TG CC GDNA It Stands for Deoxyribonucleic acid. DNA is Made from Nucleic acids of ten (referred to as bases). The four bases are type A (A) which always pairs with Thymine (T) and Cytosine (C) which always pairs with Guanine (G). T CA GT GRIGHT WRONGGenes A gene is the short length of the chromosome which is a molecule of a DNA. Genes sess exist in Different Versions. Different Versions of the corresponding gene are known as ALLELES. Each gene codes for a specific Protein. Some proteins are Structural, meaning they can form skin, hair, transmission line and cytoplasm. Others are Functional (enzymes) controlling chemical reactions such as respiration or digestion. genetical breeding is stored by Genes who a re arranged on Chromosomes. interlingual rendition This is the Difference between humans. There are two types of variation. The First is Genetic Variation (Ca utilised by your Genes and cant be changed e.g. your natural hair colour, look colour).The Second is Environmental Variation (Ca utilized by your surrounding and can be changed e.g. Dying your Hair, Ear Piercings). Genetic Variation Caused by the DNA in the cells in your clay. We Cant Change this. Environmental Variation Caused by your Surroundings, Family and Friends. We can Change this. Determining Your Gender A Sperm Cell has an X chromosome and a Y chromosome. An Egg Cell has two X Chromosomes. If the fertilised egg has a X Chromosome from the sperm the foetus w peaked(predicate) be a Girl if it has a Y Chromosome (the Chromosome carrying Testosterone) the Foetus will Be a Boy. There is a 5050 Chance of Having a Boy or a Girl. gain Gender DeterminationChromosome pair 23 is known as the Sex Chromosomes. There are two D ifferent types of of Chromosome 23 The X and Y chromosome. The only Difference is that the Y chromosome carries the gene for testosterone, X does not. any Cells carry at least one X Chromosome. Sperm Cells carry either a Y or X chromosome. allelomorph A assorted version of the same gene.Heterozygous When There are two types of an allele in the genotype e.g. Bb Brown. Homozygous When there is only one type of Allele in the genotype e.g. BB(-Brown) or bb(-Blonde). B = Dominant Always Expressed, b = Recessive only show in a Homozygous genotype. inbred Cloning* The Hydra (Plant) Shows Budding * Asexual Reproduction The roamer Plant and Strawberries often reproduce this way. Twins They are formed by the fertilised egg splitting in half and the two halves turn into to two identical babies. Artificial CloningFor many years, mammals examine on been cloned by splitting embryos Artificial Cloning. There are two types of Artificial Cloning Cloning Way 11. They take an egg cell from one mammal.2. A bole Cell is taken from a mho mammal (the same mammal as the first)3. The egg cell nucleus is removed from the cell4. The tree trunk cell nucleus is also removed5. The Nucleus from the body cell is inserted into the egg cell to drag a clone of the Second Mammal. 6. The egg cell divides and is put into the uterus of the first Mammal. The Clone grows into a mature mammal. Cloning Way 2It isnt just Reproductive Cloning (Cloning People/mammals) we could use this technology for. Cloning human cells may be useful in treating humans.Reproductive Cloning When a baby is born from cloningStem CellsA stem cell is an undifferentiated cell which delegacy they can turn into any type of cell required. They can therefore be used to hasten organs. They Can be used to replace scathed cells.Inherited indispositionsCystic Fibrosis* 1 in cc Children are affected by Cystic Fibrosis.* Is an Inherited disease* They produce thick sticky mucus. This can block the air passages a nd the tubes that carry digestive juices to the gut.* The Child has trouble breathing and absorbing food.* Patients are inured by chest physio-therapy.* The Mucus is a good breeding ground for germs.* Sufferers often get infections and have to be treated with strong antibiotics. At the moment there is no cure. * Cystic fibrosis is caused by a recessionary Allele(c) So to contract the disease a person must have two recessive alleles (cc). * Heterozygous spate (Cc) do not get the disease but can act as carriers and pass it on to their children. * The disease is shown from Birth.* It affects the lungs and gut.Huntingtons Disease* This is a rare inherited disease.* It affects about 1 in 20,000* It shows up when the forbearing is about 30 40 years old.* The cells of the brain degenerate and the unhurried charters clumsy and jerky movements.* The sufferers become moody and depressed.* The memory is affected and they eventually become totally disabled. * Huntingtons disease is caus ed by a dominant gene so only one allele is requisite to give the disease. * So all heterozygous people are sufferers because the onset of the disease occurs so slow many people have produced a family before they find out they have the condition. * The Organ accomplished is the Brain.Bacteria cellBacteria are known as micro-organisms. Many of these cause disease. Those that cause disease are called Pathogens. Other micro-organisms include Protozoans, Fungi and Viruses. Micro Organisms reproduce quickly in warm, damp places. at once inside a host of Pathogens reproduce and cause Infection.How Pathogens can enter our Body* Nat Bites/ Being Bitten* take in* Touch* Sexually Transmitted* Bugs* Dogs/ Animals* Breathing it in* Birds* set upions* Cuts* Natural Openings* rent Transplants* Organ TransplantsThings that protect our Body from Pathogens* Eyebrows/ Eyelashes* Cilia* Acid* Mucus* Tears* Skin* White Blood Cells* Healing over cutsGaining Immunity slip1) pack is Infected by s ome bacteria that causes a disease 2) The bacteria reproduce and James gets ill. 3) One of James white blood cells detect the bacteria. It asks anti bodies to destroy the bacteria. 4) The white blood cells reproduce. direct there are lots of them making Anti-bodies. 5) The bacteria are all killed. James gets better.6) Most of the white blood cells that make the antibodies die, but a few of them stay in the blood. 7) James is infected with the same bacteria again. 8) The white blood cells to make the antibody are still in James Blood. So this duration they are ready to kill the bacteria very quickly. 9) The bacteria are killed before they can make James ill. He is Immune to this disease. Anti-body = A Chemical made by White blood cells which binds to Antigen. Antigen = A marker on the surface of a Pathogen that identifies it as foreign. Pathogen = A micro-organism which causes Disease.White Blood Cells* Produce Anti-bodies to invalidate the Microbe* They eat the microbe* They pr oduce anti-toxins to neutralise the poisons produced by microbes.Producing Anti-bodies1. A White Blood cell detects a pathogen.2. A White Blood cell produces Anti-bodies.3. The anti-bodies bind with Antigens.4. The Pathogen is engulfed by the White Blood Cell.Natural ImmunityThis is when Anti-bodies are produced by a Person when needed or they are passed on by a mother during Pregnancy.Artificial ImmunityA Vaccine with dead Microbes is injected the body is tricked into producing anti-bodies ready for the genuine thing. This is called Passive Immunisation. We should use the new influenza vaccines every year because influenza reproduces very quickly. Also it has a high mutation rate, which means that it changes so you need to continually be protected by Influenza. oddly if you suffer from other illnesses, because you would be at risk the most. Also the antigens would have changed shape.Vaccinations PolicyBenefits Wont paste through a large population is a benefit. Also if a woman has a vaccination then falls pregnant she passes the antibodies onto the child. A vaccine Policy is a decision made by the government to vaccinate a large amount of people. This usually only works if the majority of people agree to it.AntibioticsImmunity/ Immune When your body has already met a Pathogen once and therefore cannot make you ill again Antibody These attach to pathogens and Stick the together. Vaccine/ Vaccination An inactive or dead version of a pathogen is introduced into the body. Antigen The marker on a Pathogen that a White Blood Cell can recognise. White Blood cells a Cell that produces Antibodies.Antibiotics* You take them and they kill the bacteria and it makes you better* You have to take them continually* They take a while to settle in* They kill infections* They are produced by Bacteria and Fungi* atomic number 18 Drugs that are sound at killing Bacteria and Fungi* Antibiotics do not seriously damage body cells* Antibiotics are derived from micro-organisms* Penicillin comes from bread mould and was the first antibiotic discovered.* However they have limited use and have no effect on viruses.Antibiotics and poinsettia strainsAntibiotics are used to kill Bacteria and Fungi in an infection in the body. The chemicals are made from Fungi and Bacteria. Antibiotics are Drugs that kill Bacteria and Fungi without harming body cells. These drugs do not affect viruses. A Superbug Bacteria is a Mutation to a universal Bacteria. It is resistant to normal Antibiotics.How could we help Reduce Superbugs?HospitalsHospitals can make sure that they treat people with the Superbug properly tostop it from spreading. Keep the Hospital Clean. Inject staff to Stop it Spreading, and to make them Immune. GPInject people more Often and Give out Leaflets.Drug CompaniesMake a more effective drug and make a vaccine.The PublicAllow people to inject them and make them immune.Antibiotic resistivityStages1. The cell starts to replicate the DNA2. The cell has had the DNA Replicate. So therefore the cell has elongated.3. The Cell has started budding.4. binary star Fission has taken place and the cell has cloned itself.A Mutation is a change in the bases that make up DNA. These changes can cause a change in a gene. This can change a Protein and thus affect the Characteristics of an Organism.Drug TrialsIt is important to do strict test on drugs to check that they are safe for use, do what they are supposed to do and to check the side effects. Drugs are tested on human cells that have been developed in a laboratory (The drug is tested on different body cells), then it is tested on animals (to see whether it works as well on upstanding animals as on the cells) before it is used on human patients(these are tested on volunteers).The tether drug trials are Double blind(both doctor and patient do not know the drug is new), machination trial(only the patient does not know the drug is true but the doctor does), and Open trial(both doctor and patient kn ow the drug is new). A placebo is when a doctor gives a patient something that does not contain Drugs. A Placebo is used in blind trials.
Friday, April 12, 2019
Onlinr registration Essay Example for Free
Onlinr adaption Essay schoolchild Information System (SIS) is a web-base application soft w atomic weigh 18 designed to introduce a contributive and structured information. Exchange environment for integrating student, parents, teachers and administration of school or college (Ajhay 8). On the contrary, manual of arms(a)(a) alteration means that people are required or employ physical skills and energy and worked or by hand and not by machine. The difference of these deuce kinds of modification are before calculator engine room is not yet popular then thats school or colleges are using manual(a) of arms adaptation. The students who undergo in enrolment procedure, which is very(prenominal) in genial, and hassle on the part of the student and of the enrollment ply as well. Here they need a lot of sweats to finish the steps that need to be do in a specific date. Steps are same(p) filling up an application forms, locomote in line passing it to a certain personnel and more. In supplementition, manual registration is time consumable and costly by means of transportation and other expenses. But now a days, with contemporary technology, its makes students life simple in many vogues.In other college and university, like Polytechnic University of the Philippines (PUP) they are already implementing this kind of establishment, for the easy and satisfied of the student the trunk provides for students the option memorial melt downs, without the advisors prior approval, offered by their colleges during the scheduled registration periods. In this, the students arse modify their course selection by adding and for dropping courses. Background of the Study The purpose of the topic is to do what is more efficient, in force(p) and contented way on how student scum bag enroll.In these days, time, effort and money are much(prenominal) vital things that have to be persona very efficiently to have a satisfactory proceeds whatever work is to be do ne. Many student encountered lots of problem on how to enroll in their school, they get confuse on what is convenient when it comes in registration. Some people prepare manual than online registration because for their different efforts and vice versa. This explore volition know which more is, likely to use of students community. The main reason of choosing this study is to help our fellow students to choose what is the best way to be enrolled.Sub-reason is not to lose their time, effort and money in registering in their schools. We as well as come up to this idea because in Polytechnic University of the Philippines (PUP) students are undergoing in online registration unlike in our former schools, which uses the manual registration. Since we are freshmen of this school, we first encounter online registration and we are confused using online registration (SIS). This research will help us and other students to know which is better, the manual or the online registration. This will also serve as our guide to choose which kind of system we will going to use in our next enrollment.Significance of the Study This research is important because it will provide convenience to the student who will undergo registration process. It will help them to choose which is the easiest way to enroll is and will also help them to decide which system of registration they will use. Statement of the worry The research that we will conduct, will let us to find out what is most efficient, effective and convenient way to register by the students of Bachelor in Cooperatives, Polytechnic University of the Philippines of SY 2013-2014 This study will let us to the answer to the following research questions.Manual Registration prefer and disadvantage 1. 1. Is it costly? 1. 2. Is it time stick out? 1. 3. Is it accessible? 1. 4. Is it time consume? 1. 5. Is it reliable? 2. Online Registration advantage and disadvantage 2. 1. Is it costly? 2. 2. Is it time backfire? 2. 3. Is it accessible ? 2. 4. Is it time consuming? 2. 5. It is reliable Scope and Limitation This study seeks which is moreefficient to use manual or online registration their advantages and disadvantages. Only 50 students from Bachelor in Cooperatives, Polytechnic University of the Philippines of SY 2013-2014 will involve.The study focused precisely on manual and online registration system, which is more likely to use between the two. Not include the manual operator and other online system. Definition of Terms Registration mass noun the action or of registering or of being registered (Oxford dictionary). Manual RegistrationMeans that people are faxing, mailing o phoning in their registration (Eply, 2010) Online RegistrationStudents allow through internet, to register, dropped or add courses within registration period and the adviser to do advising to the students by approving/reflecting rough requested courses by the students by recommending (Ajman University).InternetAn electronic communications net work that connects computer networks and organizational computer facilities around the world (Merriam Webster). Chapter 2 Review of Related Literature and Studies Local literature In other schools they are already implementing the online registration system for the ease and convenience of the students. However, almost are solace undergo in manual enrollment procedure which is very inconvenient and hassle on the part of the students, hence this is more easily to use because you dont need to use some modern technologies that some students dont have.(Butcon 9). These two has advantages and disadvantages. One is the generation of forms. The students needed to fill up four copies of registration form (copy for the student, accountant, registrar and dean). Students were consuming a lot of time in doing much(prenominal). Since the students are manually filling-up the official documents of the school, data redundancy has a great possibility in causing further complexity in the enrollment process (Butcon 9). In the contrary, some colleges preferred online registration system because it is easier, accurate and organize when it keeping data.Tani says that Online registration is more convenient to use because it is easy and fast theyre also more accurate than you probably are, when it comes to mathematical born(p) calculations. Although manual registration is a waste of time, it is reliable and accessible because you are directly registered in a specific office. While in online registration, sometimes failure of connection occurred. Though modern technology arises some people dont have it yet so others need to go to the place where they can avail internet connection. contrary LiteratureThere are many advantages of the online system over the manual system. The manual system is tedious and it is more error prone in comparison to the online system. We can call our work much efficiently with the online system and it helps to save our time and money. The popularity of t he online system is increasing day by day and most of the systems are being computerized nowadays. Now, you can buy your movie ticket through the online system, you neednt go to the several offices to pay your monthly utilities bill etc. You can just login into the system and pay right away bills thus living the hassle free life.The online system is especially useful for getting information instantly. US department of Homeland and Security is using the online system to track the status of all the foreign student. Imagine, is it contingent to know the status of millions of students if there is no such online system? Definitely answer is not. Another advantage of the online system is it is not as error prone as the manual system. When people need to do the same job then they usually make mistake, which causes the problem in information re bring outation.The online system avoids such error and makes the life easier. Our life will be really green when everything is done through comput er and there is no paper work. (John 2010) Local Studies In past few years the Iloilo State College of Fisheries Barotac Nuevo Campus relies only(prenominal) on a manual Enrolment System which in return it was uneasy, inaccurate and unreliable to the stake of the students and personnel involved. The lack of latest technology innovations specifically computers was one of the big reason why the proposed system was still on vision.Financial aspects is also a main concern why the institution still depend on a manual form of Enrolment System which has a great impingement to a student and faculty in return specifically in Enrolment System (Pio 2013). During enrolment, it is undeniably noticeable on some problems and difficulties arising from each respective procedure, hence leading to minor errors and inaccuracy (Antony 2010). The technology now plays a vital role in our society. It makes man work easier and fast. It lessens error of work by using machines. It reduces costs to an orga nization from paper works up to computerized working system.Many manual transactions can be computerized by using software applications or computer systems to make work easier and efficient (Eunice 2011). Foreign Studies On these days, time, effort and money are such vital things that have to be used very efficiently to have a satisfactory outcome whatever work is to be done and some colleges and universities give importance about it. In the past couple of decades, computers and technology revolutionized oneslow processes, obstetrical delivery industries time and money ways not previously possible (Anderson 30).Online registration was beginning to be recognized for its operation in assisting university administration (Chao 3). A better understanding of the online registration should boost faculty and students presumption in using computer technology (Chao 14). But it is not bad to back in the basic- the manual registration like we used to do hence use of online registration can h elp students realize some key characteristics using online service simplicity, effectiveness, and convenience. Chapter 3 Research Methodology Research Design The research design was a descriptive method, particularly the fall over.This method is use to know which is more efficient, effect and convenient to use, the manual registration or the online registration, by the students of Bachelor in Cooperatives in Polytechnic University of the Philippines (PUP), in the present day. Respondents The target respondents of the survey are 50 students from the Department of Cooperatives and Social Development, College of Social Science and Development, Polytechnic University of the Philippines (PUP), Sta. board Campus. This number of respondents are not too numerous but it enough to testify the research.Research agent The checklist structured survey, wherein the researchers prepared a list of questions that the respondents will check the level of their satisfaction according to their percep tion. The researchers also put a comment box, so the respondents can share their opinions about the topic assigned. Data- Gathering turn The data is gather form 50 students from the Department of Cooperatives and Social Development, College of Social Science and Development, Polytechnic University of the Philippines (PUP), who converse by the researchers.The researchers conduct the survey test in the students of Bachelor in Cooperatives, in their free time. The survey paper that they answer is recorded by the researchers as a whole. Statistical Treatment All responses are tallied before the researchers put in the table for the statistical treatment. Percentage is use to express the data garner for subproblems 1 and 2. The formula for the percentage is Wherep = percentage f = frequency N = total number of respondents
Wednesday, April 10, 2019
Cebu Pacific Essay Example for Free
Cebu Pacific EssayA. Economic ForcesGenerating billions in revenues and creating hundreds of thousands of jobs. In recent years, the inter res publicaal aviation intentness has been through many ups and downs. From skyrocketing evoke prices to pandemics to recent financial crisis, aviation application has confronted a real rough weather in last ten years or so. Consolidation in mature markets, higher ticket prices, modernization of aerodromes, policies to reduce emissions and tremendous growth prospects in emerging economies earn been some(a) of the trends during the decade. harmonise to recent industry reports, the global aviation industry is on the path of retrieval and future looks optimistic and would present ample opportunities for the stakeholders.The oxygenise lane industry is inextricably tied to the overall frugality even minor recessions result in reduced demand and transform magnitude sensitivity to prices for leisure as well as business travellers. Chan ges in the economy surrender a big affect on the airline industry. The elasticity of demand, externalities, wage inequality, and monetary, fiscal, and federal policies all reserve an impact on this industry. The airline industry is constantly changing due to todays market and today we forget be flavour at the reasons behind it.By successfull managing opportunity cost, and adapting to an ever changing economic environment, airline industries laughingstock break economic success.However, the well-being of the nations economy will pick out a cultivate impact on the level of success experienced in the airline industry. During economic shortfalls in the nations economy, travellers will have fewer resources available to travel for pleasure. Contributing to the negative economic influences in the airline industry, future and existing policies targeting the airline industry will continue to hinder the industrys ability to recover losses in periods of economic hardships.The launch of low cost airlines in Philippines has provided a boost for theindustry. Airlines that have been part of this trend atomic number 18 Asian biography and Southeast Asian Air, oblation affordable serves to local and even global destinations. The public seems to have embraced this, as the rate of flying passengers has increased. This increased not only accounts for bleak fliers but also regular flying passengers who were on a reckon and without delay have a choice to choosing budget over luxury.There atomic number 18 quite a few negative externalities in the airline industry. Another thing that the economy is affecting the airline industry is the competing airlines. The bigger airlines can afford lower fares which make it hard for the smaller airlines to compete. Different airlines have plans to strain but will not be able to until the cost of fuel is under control. For the low fare carriers who allow advanced retaining, they will need to work on a plan to empty bankruptcy. This will make the airline industry continue to boost prices due to the fact that oil prices are expect to continue rising due to the supply.B. Political ForcesIn 1973, from the Letters of Instruction (151 and 151A) the airline industry in the Philippines was monopolized by Philippine Airlines (PAL). The monopoly lasted for more than twenty years until the Executive Order 19 in 1995 which liberalized the airline industry establishing the domestic and international civic aviation liberalization policy in the country. The E.O 219 stipulates the removal of restrictions on routes and feather frequencies, as well as government control on fares and charges. Following the liberalization, the industry attracted new entrants such as Cebu Pacific, Air Philippines, Grand Air, and Mindanao Express. Unfortunately, Grand Air and Mindanao Express were unsuccessful, and then SEAir and Asian Spirit come to birth.Today, airline industry in the Philippines is under the regulations of Department of Tr ansportation and Communication (DOTC) under the civil aviation sector. The Civil airmanship sector is composed of the Manila international Airport Authority (MIAA), Mactan Cebu foreign AirportAuthority (MCIAA), Philippine Aerospace Development Corporation (PADC), Civil Aeronautics Board (CAB) and the Civil Aviation Authority of the Philippines (CAAP) (formerly known as ATO). The Department incessantly upgrades and improves the international and domestic airport facilities to meet international standards and to provide better service to the commuters. On the other hand, our airline regulatory boards also recognize the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO). The ICAO has several regulations that the local boards are following.Last March 19, 2009, the ISO 90012000 Certificate for NAIA goal 1 was awarded by Anglo Japanese American (AJA) Registrars, Inc. after passing the Phase 1 Audit of the rider Facilitation Processes. On May 21, 2009 MIAA was given the upgraded ISO 1991 2008 Certification making the Authority and the NAIA Terminal 1 one of the very few institutions in the country that have passed this upgraded level of certification.Today, airline industry in the Philippines is facing a big issue in international safety standard. Early this year, the European Union banned airlines from Angola and vowed to gormandise carriers from Sudan and the Philippines from starting flights to the 27-country bloc. The European Transport Commissioner SiimKallas said that they cannot accept airlines fly into EU if they do not fully comply with international safety standards. The Philippine authorities and airlines mad efforts to resolve this issue but exempt Philippines would be banned from the EU precaution.C. Socio-Cultural ForcesObesity One controversy surrounds the issue of airline companies tightening their behind restrictions for obese passengers. Some companies have gone as far as to charge an overweight undivided the cost of two female genitalss beca use of their size. This has created a stir, as it brings up the question of discrimination. As indelicate as this issue is, airline companies contend that it simply be more to fly those more portly passengers. According to News calendar week, A study concluded that the 10 pounds Americans gained on average during the 1990s required an additional 350 one million million gallons of fuel a year.So it would seem that this issue has less to do with discrimination and more to do with simple arithmetic.Security Airline companies have undergone a dramatic shift in the safety precautions they take, upping the punt in shelter measures due to recent terrorist attacks. And while the increase in security may, on some level, ease the mind of the pilots, passengers and their families, it also increases the anxiety and frustration with the amount of time and effort it takes to get from the airport ticket counter to the terminal gate. Because of the few successful breaches in security that have occurred over the recent decade, airlines will never again have the luxury of being so lax in scathe of their security.Ethnicity Perception is a major factor in how we view the world. It is also one of the oldest studies in psychology. How we compass ethnicity, as it relates to air travel, has much to do with September 11, 2001. Since then the eyes of the world have great(p) increasingly sensitive to the ethnicity of passengers travelling on airplanes. It has created something of a negative perception for particular races and religions. Bloomberg Business week reports, Airline experts and executives say its important not to exaggerate the effects of terrorism fears. However, because airline companies have had to exercise increased security measures because of terrorism, and because passengers have grown increasingly aware of possible threats, those perceptions are not easily dismissed.D. Technological ForcesInternet as a way to book flights, check in, and check flight status Before, ticketing offices were often jam-packed by plurality who wants to book flights, and most of the time, they are becoming irritated of the situation. Now, with the riddle of the Internet and Cebu Pacific Airs entry to the world wide web, customers can now book flights without going to a ticketing office, pay their billings securely using Credit/Debit card, they can even change their flight details without twainering to go personally to CEB office, and check flight status that will be a much-used during stormseasons and other obstacles that might hinder the the flight.Always new and improved software for airlines Acquiring and continuously upgrading its software is a very big positive impact for the company. It is a way of telling your customers and prospective customers that your airline will not cause them any hassles and troubles in the near future. Aside from having it as an look of promising greatness, generally, all will follow to the good lead.New technology for air line employees Airline employees should be introduced with new technologies to avoid having problems in the future. The airline had purchased new equipments, machines to shorten the queue, but if they have no mind of how it operates, you will not obtain your objective. So every employee must be knowledgeable of technologies for we are now in the 21st century.New pilot training courses Finishing a course to become a pilot is not enough. Even if you have become one of the airlines pilot, you still have to go through series of training courses and seminars to keep on track. Learning does not stop. Therefore as Cebu Pacific Airs vow to excellence and safety, they are launching several training courses to avoid a doubt, if there is, for a customer to think whether the pilot is competent enough. By this, passengers can seat safe and sound.New security technology Website hacking is like an infectious virus that was troubling many people nowadays. But with the new security technology, c ustomers will not have any bad thinking nigh paying securely using their Credit/Debit card. Cebu Pacific Airs paying schema was verified by Visa, MasterCard and VeriSign. It is a big sign that the airline has a very strong security technology that no hackers can destroy.E. Environmental ForcesContrails short for condensation trails or vapour trails are dyed clouds that are the visible trails of condensed water vapour made by the fatigue of aircraft engines. As the hot exhaust gases cool in the surrounding air they may precipitate a cloud of microscopic water droplets. If the air is gelid enough, this trail will comp turf out tiny ice crystals. The wingtip vortices which trail from the wingtips and wing flap of aircraft are sometimes partly visible due to condensation in the cores of the vortices. Each vortex is a mass of spinning air and the air pressure at the centre of the vortex is very low. These wingtip vortices are not the same as contrails. Depending on atmospheric c onditions, contrails may be visible for only a few seconds or minutes, or may persist for many hours which may affect climate.The of import by-products of hydrocarbon fuel combustion are carbon dioxide and water vapour. At high altitudes this water vapour emerges into a cold environment, and the local increase in water vapour can push the water content of the air past saturation point. The vapour then condenses into tiny water droplets and/or deposits into ice. These millions of tiny water droplets and/or ice crystals form the vapour trail or contrails. The vapours need to condense accounts for the contrail forming some way behind the aircrafts engines. At high altitudes, super cooled water vapor requires a trigger to encourage deposition or condensation. The exhaust particles in the aircrafts exhaust act as this trigger, causing the trapped vapour to rapidly turn to ice crystals. Exhaust vapour trails or contrails unremarkably occur above 8000 metres (26,000 feet) and only if the temperature there is below 40 C (40 F).Engine Emissions oer the years, increasing attention has been paid to the sustainable development of the aviation sector. It is now widely recognised that the costs of these externalities must be internalised and paid for by the aviation industry and its users. Of all the externalities generated from commercial flights, aircraft engine emissions have extensive impacts on human health, vegetation, materials, ecosystem and the climate. Currently, only around 10 airports have applied engine emissions surcharges, which are in Switzerland, Sweden and the United Kingdom. However, the impacts of aircraft engine emissions are a world-wide issue and have drawn significant attention in the global community.This research aims to evaluate the impacts of aircraft engine emissionscharges, based on the estimation of social costs, on airlines operating costs. The paper firstly presents the methods of assessing the social costs of aircraft engine emissions. The environmental impacts of aircraft engine emissions include two aircraft landing and take-off and the cruise stage.The social costs of aircraft emissions vary by engine type and aircraft category, depending on the damages caused by different engine pollutants on the human health, vegetation, materials, aquatic ecosystem and climate. Nine Asian airlines, covering both network full service carriers and low cost airlines, are selected for empirical analysis. The implications of aircraft engine emissions charges on the selected airlines and the similar effects on operating costs were measured, involving five existing intra-Asian flight routes. It was found that the aircraft engine emission charges would range from 3-12% of the airlines operating costs, depending on the route distance, aircraft types and the nature of airline operating characteristics.Airport commotion Aircraft noise is noise pollution make waterd by any aircraft or its components, during various phases of a fli ght on the prove while parked such as auxiliary power units, while taxiing, on run-up from propellor and jet exhaust, during takeoff, underneath and lateral to departure and arrival paths, over-flying while en route, or during landing.Aerodynamic noise arises from the flow of air around the aircraft fuselage and control surfaces. This type of noise increases with aircraft speed and also at low altitudes due to the parsimony of the air. Jet-powered aircraft create intense noise from aerodynamics. Low-flying, high-speed military aircraft produce especially loud aerodynamic noise.The cast of characters of the nose, windshield or canopy of an aircraft affects the sound produced. Much of the noise of a propeller aircraft is of aerodynamic line of work due to the flow of air around the blades. The helicopter main and tail rotor coils also give rise to aerodynamic noise. This type of aerodynamic noise is mostly low frequency determined by the rotor speed. Much of the noise in propeller aircraft comes equally from the propellers and aerodynamics. Helicopter noise is aerodynamically induced noise from the main and tail rotors and mechanically induced noise from the main gearbox and varioustransmission chains. The mechanical sources produce narrow band high intensity peaks relating to the rotational speed and movement of the moving parts. In data processor modelling terms noise from a moving aircraft can be treated as a line source.Aircraft Gas Turbine engines (Jet Engines) are responsible for much of the aircraft noise during takeoff and climb. However, with advances in noise decrement technologies the airframe is typically noisier during landing.The majority of engine noise is due to Jet Noise although high bypass-ratio turbofans do have considerable Fan Noise. The high velocity jet leaving the back of the engine has inherent prune layer instability (if not thick enough) and rolls up into ring vortices. This of course later breaks down into turbulence. The SP L associated with engine noise is proportional to the jet speed (to a high power) therefore even modest reductions in exhaust velocity will see a large reduction in Jet Noise.
Tuesday, April 9, 2019
Health and Social Care Essay Example for Free
Health and Social C atomic number 18 showP2 Describe the Origins of Public Health Policy in the UK from the nineteenth Century to the Present Day.1837- The law started registering births, marriages and deaths and began to witness differences in argonas. This was because of ailments going round and me actually plenty were dying. They wanted to figure out where about the milk-sicknesses were to the highest degree common. 1848- The Liberal politics brought the Public Health Act into law. 1849- Unfortunately, a massive amount of 10,000 hoi polloi died from the disease cholera. 1853- Vaccination for sm totallypox was made compulsory and started by Edward Jenner this was because a great amount of muckle were acquire ill and dying from it. 1870- The g overnment oblige local authorities to educate multitude about diseases, so that they then knew and could learn about them and answer to prevent any more. 1875- Public Health Act forced local authorities to provide clean water , keep up proper drainage and appoint medical offices for severally area. This was to ameliorate deadly diseases and illnesses which were go along to harm people. 1906- In this year free indoctrinate meals law came about.1907- checkup train examinations for children were introduced. 1918- The British Prime Minister Lloyd George promised soldiers returning al-Qaida from the war, Homes fit for Heroes. It was important for people to present a good home environment. 1921- The local authorities were required to set up TB clinics. 1934- The government passed the free school milk act and local councils were encouraged to give poor children free school meals. This was because they were unfortunate and were not astonish alongting the correct amount of food and drink and it could ease up affected their wellness. 1942- Sir William Beveridge make a report on the best way of helping people on low income. 1944- balmy Attlee created the NHS based on the proposals of the Beveridge Re port white paper published. 1948- On the 5th July the new NHS was launched.1970- Margret Thatcher became the new secretarial assistant of State and demanded cuts on quaternion main areas further education fees, library book borrowing charges, school meal charges and free school milk. 1980- Black Report came about, discussing inequalities in health between the rich and poor. It aimed to narrow child poverty, reintroducing free schools meals and milk, improving housing, employment, schools and more. 1998- Acheson Report, Acheson was asked to review inequalities in England and identify priority matchlesss for the development of health. 1999- Saving Lives Our better Nation this was what the Labour government released as a health strategy.P1 Describe key aspects of public health strategies.There are umpteen strategies that hand been utilize and have had a positive and a oppose outcome when tried out in cities.Firstly, monitoring the health status of the population, this is where tracking changes and alerting people to potential problems would happen. An example for this would be Census this where e truly 10 years since 1801 the nation chooses one mean solar day to do the census survey. In the survey it consists counting all people and households. Overall its the virtually complete information source that the population that the nation has. The most recent census survey was held on the Sunday 27 March 2011.Identifying the health inevitably of the population is a strategy that hobo and has been used within the population. In this strategy we are identifying implications of trends and patterns to services. A good example is in schools or any type of educating/studying places or just general talks where people are being taught about diabetes, better dieting and exercise. This would help peoples health increase more by having the knowledge about this.In addition, another strategy that has been used roughly the population is to develop programmes which woul d then try and reduce risk of infections and cover version for diseases. Doing this would reduce ill health by looking at and identifying people that are at risk and then promoting health. Years gone by the population have tried this strategy for example, doing cancer research, publicizing programmes to let people know and smear tests.Controlling communicable disease, this is where programmes and schemes are made and brought out that are immunisation programmes which are thither to reduce the impact of diseases. The nation for many years and are continuing on doing the same have TB injections. This is an example of controlling the communicable disease. These injections are there to tolerant human bodies to illness and disease which is called Tuberculosis.Furthermore, another strategy when it comes to public health is promoting the health of the population. Many companies and groups of people have experimented on trying to accomplish this. By doing this they have been promoting health activities to make better their health and their fitness. A lot of the programmes are basically trying to engage people so they understand they need to improve their health so they dont turn obesity and generally just too improve and increase their fitness level.Planning and evaluating health and social care provision this is where the nation is accessing and impacting of health services. In every city there needs to be health services to help anyone that is in need. unitary of the services that are in many cities is the contraception service. These are companies that give tips and advice to young people that are sexually active. They also hand out free condoms so young girls dont get pregnant when they are not ready and dont want too.Finally, target setting, this is where targets are all set to reduce disease and to improve health. For example, pregnancy is a target where the nation wants to reduce how many young girls get pregnant. To reduce this contraception is purchasa ble in every supermarket, pharmacys etc In addition, there are companies that give away free contraception to reduce teenage pregnancy. Not only does contraception help prevent pregnancy barely prevents people catching sexually transmitted diseases uniform HIV, Chlamydia and syphilis.M1 compare historical and current features of public health.Things that happened years agone have all changed to nowadays all by a few changes but still very similar or dramatically changed in a positive way.Firstly, access to medical care. Years ago medical care in the 19th century was not very good. The hospitals were very basic, many bums in a large room (ward) there were very rarely curtains around the supplys for privacy because in those days clothes were short and extra frame drub would be made into clothing. Also, they may not have been very clean, they were hygienic to work in but for people that were very ill they may of made that person more poorly. Clinics were similar they had the bas ic have a go at it to check patients on and the small amount of medicines. Not all the time did they have the correct sufficient medication for patients.So some patients may have had to suffer for longer than what they should off because it was hard to get medication that was going to retrieve what the patients had. They had doctors but not many there would probably be one in to each one area. For them it would be hard work because if hundreds of people became ill they would have to try and cure and help all of them as soon as possible before anything spread to others or if it became worse. Nowadays, everything has better since the 19th century. Hospitals are extremely huge with thousands of beds and many nurses and Doctors that are there to help and make people better.The beds and wards are much(prenominal) more advanced now each bed is a medical bed than can be adjusted electrically. There are also curtains and clean beddings on each bed and gets changed more regular than wh at it would of years ago. Millions of pounds have been spent on machinery in the hospitals that help prevent patients acquiring more ill than what they are. For e.g. Ventilators they help people breathe if they are not capable to do so themselves while there body is mending itself. Clinics that we have in the days have improved over the years.If anyone has a problem they can walk in to a clinic or make an appointment at the Doctors/Pharmacy to be checked out. Most often, people that need medication are prescribed for their medicines and can get it straight away. Or if not straight away, within in the next day or so if it is needed to be ordered in. There are many more Doctors in each area, so it is easier for people to be seen to when they have a problem or not feeling very well. This is good because if there was an illness going round and a lot of people were acquiring it, the Doctors could help prevent other people catching it by asking them to come in and be resistant with medici ne so they do not become ill.Housing in the 19th century was extremely poor. In March 1840, the government were so concerned about sanitation and living conditions that they set up a Parliamentary Health Select Committee to report on Health of Towns. Its findings revealed the scale of overcrowding this was causation extreme turd and diseases that resulted up in a widespread death. There would be a practice bundling of houses probably in a group of 10 that were in a block, usually with a take in stairs and upstairs. For middle class people families would be living in 1 room together or if they had enough money and they were lucky they would get half of a house.All the houses would share the stacks which were remote the buildings. This caused a lot of disease because of all the natural waste of other people that others had to be around and had to use the toilet after when they wasnt clean at all. People would become very ill and then it would spread to others which caused a lar ge amount of people in an area to have a serious illness which most probably would lead to death. These days, housing has increasingly changed. They are much cleansing agent and people own them there self and do not have to share unless it isnt their lieu and its a home that holds many people.People also rent houses that they can then read its theres until they move out and is then owned by someone else. People have money for cleaning products to clean their house which is good because if nothing was cleaned people could become poorly from filth that can cause infections and diseases that people could then catch. Each and every house has every 1 or more toilets within the household. Neighbours do not have to share a toilet outside the house like they used too, they all just share within their house mates, which is so much cleaner. However, even though the housing conditions have improved by a lot in the past years, there are still some areas that are poorly looked after which aff ect people living around there. There are council houses all over each city that people exsert in but they do not own it its the councils and usually these houses are not in the best condition because people in it cannot afford to look after it properly.Many new drinks were invented in the 19th century and early 20th century. India Pale Ale was freshman made about 1820. Pimms was invented in 1823. The first golden lager was invented in Bohemia (Czech Republic) in 1842 by a man named Joseph Groll. The widget for beer cans was patented in 1985. Back in the day there were quite a few drinks about and people would merrily drink them. Even if they didnt know what was inside of them. It was mainly work men that consumed the most. After work they would head to a bar of somewhere that sells intoxicant and they would have a few people they went home to see their family. Through the 1800s young children could drink there was no law to say there was a restricted age on drinking alcohol. Ho wever in 1923 a law was passed in Britain banning the sale of alcohol to people under 18.People may not of cognize how much they could drink until it would become dangerous. People were drinking non-stop at some points a then became very poorly. In Britain these days, the same law is around for the no drinking unless 18 years or over. However, when buying alcohol now if the person looks under the age of 25 years the person that is selling the alcohol needs to ask for an ID to make sure they are not selling it to someone that is under aged. Britain has also been known to be called Binge Britain this is because so many people binge drink every week. Every night and especially on the weekends a lot of people end up in hospital getting their stomach pumped because they have consumed too much alcohol and have passed out because they are so dehydrated and their body cannot handle any more of the bad liquid.Income from the 19the century to now has changed massively. Years ago people woul d work hard and for long hours of the day and get paid such small amounts. In the 1800s wages and average living standards were extremely low and 45% would actually amount to very little. In 1834 the weekly wage of an average agricultural worker was nine shillings. Its the equivalent of 45p and would be outlay just under 48 today. A lone mother would get just over four shillings a week, roughly the equivalent of 20p, which would be worth an estimated 19 today. This could of and most probably effected peoples health because they may not off been able to afford certain products for themselves or their family. Someone may have been poorly and needed particular items to make them better and if they couldnt be bought then that person would have to suffer, Nowadays wages are different to what they used to be.
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