Monday, May 20, 2019
HSA 515 Dealing with Fraud Essay
As the Chief Nursing Officer of the states largest Obstetric Health C atomic number 18 Center, this author is trustworthy for complaints regarding boshulent behavior in the center.The purpose of this report is to (1) evaluate how the Health make do Qui tam affects health superintend organizations, (2) provide four examples of Qui Tam cases that embody in a variety of health divvy up organizations, (3) speculate a unconscious process for admission into a health fretfulness facility that upholds the law about the essential number of Medi trouble and Medicaid referrals, (4) recommend a merged integrity program that will mitigate incidents of fraud and valuate how the recommendation will touch issues of transcript and birth, and (5) Devise a devise to protect patient breeding that complies with totally necessary laws.Qui Tam (from the Latin phrase he who sues on behalf of the king) is a well-known mechanism used by hidden individual to assist the regimen in enforcing specific laws (Ruhnka, Gac, & Boerstler, 2000). The bogus Claims Act of 1863 is one of the most important examples of the Qui Tam mechanism that was enacted during the Civil War to prosecute contend profiteers who were caught overcharging the Union Army (Ruhnka, Gac, & Boerstler, 2000).Showalter (2012) states that the whistle-blower (aka relator) files the suit as a kind of clubby attorney world-wide on behalf of the government in a qui tam case. Evaluate how the Health reverence Qui tam affects health boot organizations.Healthcare qui tam affects health care organizations in many ports. The most popular and inconvenient way is financial losses. If an organization is accused of qui tam, a suit is filed and if the company is found guilty of fraud, they stand to ascertain a financial loss due to having to repay money to the government. Ruhnka, Gac, & Boerstler (2000) state that intentionally fraudulent activities such as billing for services not provided, billing for services or equipment that is not medically appropriate, or violating clearly stated billing rules are unacceptable and should be prosecuted whenever they occur.Qui tam effect on health care organizations has not been a positive one. Cruise (2003) state that qui tam actions has forced organizations to develop a new cadre of operating guidelines and procedures collectively called compliance programs resulting in organizations having to pay $600 700 million per year to a consultant industry to advise them on the intricacies of this new era.Health care organizations have adopted national Sentencing Guidelines as a part of their compliance programs due to the laws governing Medicare fraud and abhorrence (Cruise, 2003). Examples of Qui Tam cases that exist in a variety of health care organizations.Healthcare is on the organize in the join States. Medicare and Medicaid is the largest of the government sponsored healthcare plans and provide health care coverage for as many as 95 million Amer i mints, at an estimated cost in 2012 of more than $900 billion (Raspanti, n.d.). Raspanti (n.d.) state that the primary reason for the rise in healthcare cost has been the large degree of fraud committed against these two major government health care programs.Raspanti (n.d.) state the following are examples of qui tam cases, but not modified to Kickbacks The federal official Anti-Kickback Statute prohibits any offer, payment, solicitation or receipt of money, property or remuneration to induce or reward the referral of patients or healthcare services payable by a government health care program, including Medicare or Medicaid. These improper payments weed come in many different forms, including, but not limited to referral fees finders fees productivity bonuses discounted leases discounted equipment rentals research grants speakers fees excessive compensation and free or discounted travel or entertainment.Theoffer, payment, solicitation or receipt of any such monies or remuneratio n can be a violation of the Federal Anti-Kickback statute, 42 U.S.C. 1328-7b(b), the Federal False Claims Act, as well as various other federal and state laws and regulations. Ghost Patients The submission of a claim for health care services, words, diagnostic tests, medical devices or pharmaceuticals provided to a patient who either does not exist or who never received the service or point in time billed for in the claim. Up-Coding Services Billing of government and private insurance programs is done using a complex series of numerical labels that identify the specific procedure or service being performed.These code sets can include the American Medical Associations Current Procedural Terminology (CPT) codes Evaluation and Management (E&M) codes Healthcare Common process Coding System (HCPCS) codes and International Classification of Disease (ICD-9) codes. Government health care programs assign a dollar amount it will pay for each procedure code. Up coding occurs when a health c are provider submits of a claim for health care services, treatments, diagnostic tests or items that represent a more serious and more expensive procedure than that which actually was performed.Up coding can be a violation of the Federal False Claims Act. Bundling and Unbundling In many cases, government health care programs have special reimbursement rates for groups of procedures that are typically performed together, such as laboratory tests. One green type of fraud has been to unbundle these procedures or tests and bill each one separately, which results in greater reimbursement than the group reimbursement rate. Attorneys in the national qui tam whistleblower practice of Pietragallo Gordon Alfano Bosick & Raspanti successfully represented the lead relator in one of the largest cases of unbundling in the history of false claims litigation, United States ex rel.Merena v. Smithkline Beecham Clinical Labs, which resulted in a recovery of $328 million for federal taxpayers. False C ertification When physicians, hospitals and other health care providers submit bills to government health care programs they are required to include a number of important certifications, including that the services were medically necessary, were actually performed, and were performed in ossification with all applicable rules and regulations.Additionally, health care companies such as pharmaceutical companies and pharmacy benefits managers that provide products or services to governmenthealth care programs are required to certify that they are satisfying all obligations under their contracts with the government. One common type of fraud has been to falsify these certifications in order to get a health care claim paid or to obtain additional business (Raspanti, n.d.). Stanton (2001) acknowledges that in a healthcare facility, with Medicare, each false claim is considered an individual billing whether for a specific medical item or service.Penalties can rise quickly with suspension or delay payment of future claims for a facility if it has been accused of submitting false claims (Stanton, 2001). Devise a procedure for admission into a health care facility that upholds the law about the required number of Medicare and Medicaid referrals.In order to avoid health care qui tam, healthcare organizations must stay abreast and compliant with Medicare and Medicaid laws. When a patient enters a facility for affection or an appointment, there are steps to follow. At check-in, the patient gives insurance card and pertinent entropy to nurse. The nurse enters the learning into the system.The patient waits for the doctor to assess the illness to admonishmine the needs of the patient. Physician inputs information into the system and system codes the treatment based on Medicare or Medicaid protocols system confirms and red flags any treatment or music that is not allowed patient is discharged and Medicare or Medicaid is billed for services rendered by the hospital, physici an, and for medication (Burnaby, Hass, & OReilly, 2011).If for some reason, items billed are questioned or denied, the items are reviewed and resubmitted to Medicare or Medicaid for payment. Recommend a corporate integrity program that will mitigate incidents of fraud and assess how the recommendation will impact issues of reproduction and birth.Corporate Integrity Agreements (CIAs) are considered second chances for healthcare organizations. By using CIAs, the organization avoids exclusion from Medicare, Medicaid, or other Federal healthcare programs by establishing and implementing a compliance program per CIA regulations and guidelines (MetricStream, n.d.). Implementing CIAs is challenging and can perk up financial strain however it can protect stakeholders and customers from find, and build brand value (MetricStream, n.d.) CIAs are utilizefor healthcare organizations to uphold certain standards and to fulfill the organizations missions and goals.CIAs are usually proposed due t o allegations of fraud or abuse which are found to be true through audits or self-disclosures and are drawn up for a period of three to five years and can extend up to eight years (MetricStream, n.d.).Ramsey (2002) suggests that a recommended integrity program should include stipulations such as designation of a compliance officer and a compliance committee to ensure that the needed changes will be made a required code of conduct, mandated compliance policies and procedures stating that the organization is committed to complying with the laws training requirements to ensure that staff and physicians are knowledgeable and up-to-date on all requirements and processes required by the organization, the government and vendors review and auditing procedures to help reduce errors when reporting claims and a unavowed disclosure program where employees internally may report possible violations of the law .Once a CIA is implemented, to deter employees from committing fraud, a stern disci plinary action process should be enforced and followed. Devise a plan to protect patient information that complies with all necessary laws.Protecting patient information is a right of all healthcare organizations and a plan or process must be in invest to do so. In any situation, whether in an office, clinic, or in the field, there are important procedures that can be followed to protect a patients information and confidentiality (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 2012).As a health care worker, you must confirm the patients identity at first encounter, never discuss the patients case with anyone without the patients permission, never leave hard copies of forms or records where unauthorized persons may access them, and use only secure routes to send patient information and incessantly mark confidential (Center for Disease Control and Prevention, 2012).When in healthcare settings conduct patient interviews in private rooms, never discuss cases or use patients names in pu blic area, and always obtain patients permission before distributing his/her information to a staff member or healthcare worker (Center for Disease Control and Prevention, 2012). Always keep medical records andcomputers used in a locked or secure box to prohibit unauthorized persons access. Creation and implementation of a protection and screen plan can reduce legal actions under the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act.Qui Tam cases impact healthcare organizations in various ways to include high penalties if found guilty, payback of monies received, and a negative image for the organization. Medicare and Medicaid fraud cases are the most common qui tam cases. In order to reduce fraud and abuse cases, healthcare organizations must improve their current admission procedure, their corporate integrity program, and their patient information protection system.ReferenceBurnaby, P., Hass, S., & OReilly, A. (2011). Generic health care hospital The road to an integrated risk management system. Issues in Accounting Education, 26(2), 305-319. Center for Disease Control and Prevention. (2012). Measures to protect patient confidentiality. Retrieved from http// upbringing/ssmodules/module7/ss7reading4.htm Cruise, P. L. (2003). Deregulating health care ethics education A curriculum proposal. Global Virtue morals Review, 4(3-4). MetricStream. (n.d.). Corporate integrity agreements. Retrieved from http// Ramsey, R. B. (2002). Corporate integrity agreements Making the best of a tough situation. Healthcare monetary Management, 56(3), 58-62. Raspanti, M. S. (n.d.). Health care fraud and false claims. Retrieved from http// Ruhnka, J. C., Gac, E. J., & Boerstler, H. (2000). Qui tam claims Threat to voluntary compliance programs in health care organizations. Journal of Health Politics, Policy and Law, 25(2), 283-308. Showalter, J. S. (2012). The law of healt hcare administration (6th ed.). Chicago Health governance Press. Stanton, T. H. (2001). Fraud-and-abuse enforcement in Medicare Finding middle ground. Health Affairs, 20(4), 28-42.
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